FILM / video
2021. Amazing Organisms, video, Bioquest Studios and Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory
2020. AKA, commercial video series. Director Tomas Vengris.
2020. Terra Incognita, SF Danceworks and film company The Understory. Unreleased.
2020. Carmen, video. Director Robert Hernandez Gomez. Production, Mobile InTent.
2019. Ornithographies, video. Photographer XaviBou.
2019. Wildflowers, video. Candybomber Productions
2019. Avoidance, short film. Director Matthew McKee.
2018. Rearing Anartia, short film, Silberglied and Annette Aiello, 1976. 8mm film. Commissioned by George Washington University and The Smithsonian Archives. In partnership with the National Science Foundation.
2018. Colias, short film, Robert Silberglied and Chip Taylor, 1972. 16mm. Commissioned by George Washington University and The Smithsonian Archives. In partnership with the National Science Foundation.
Mi Hermano
2018. Mi Hermano, short film, Woodstock Film Festival Premier, director and filmmaker Alexis Gambis.
2018. She Who Dreams, short film, Alexis Gambis. Composed in collaboration with Nathan Clevenger.
2017. Wild Projects, video, Wild Projects, collaborating with communities world wide through fearless art, film, and performance productions to inspire resiliency in the face of adversity.
Wild Projects
2016. Squid, Coming to Life. Video. The Patel Lab at UC Berkeley Dept. of Molecular & Cell Biology, and Woods Hole Marine Biology Lab. In Collaboration with Nathan Clevenger
\2016. 90 Miles from Paradise, short film. Filmmaker Kim Anno. In Collaboration with Nathan Clevenger.
90 Miles From Paradise