Artist Statement

All my life, I have known a kind of loneliness that dissolves in moments of deep attention—when sensory experience brings forth a curiosity that feels like stillness. I create from this place. These interludes take shape through my work—not to connect myself with others, but to connect others with themselves, with each other, with what we collectively forget until we pause.

I work in the space between study and sensation. Here, I transform research into experience, dissolving the boundary between knowing and feeling. Wonder lives not in spectacle but in quiet revelation. I craft each piece as an act of forgetting through looking, through listening—and in that forgetting, remember what was always there.

My compositions, films, and collaborations stand as invitations to attunement. They are documents of attention paid to a world that speaks in many voices—through ice formations, butterfly wings, architectural spaces, forest sounds. I offer these translations not as explanations but as experiences, moments when the barrier between self and world might briefly, beautifully thin.